Friday, November 28, 2008

I think I finished my Wiki :-) It was easy but yikes it took me some time because I kept exploring new options and thinking of other comments... on to week six~

Thanksgiving Reflection

An awesome Thanksgiving~ a day to reflect, give thanks, spend time with friends, family, relax, refresh, energize, strengthen, unwind, plan, focus, reconnect, & refuel~

“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8

Friday, November 21, 2008

College Week Four

The busyness of the week, being a mom and having multiple after school activities has made it more than a challenge to do much more than the readings in week four. I am thankful I found the time to complete that~ finally finding time this Friday night, I hope to complete DQ’s and comment on the posting of others in my technology class.

I plan on taking a bit of personal time this weekend~ A big game between Texas Tech and rival team Oklahoma is Saturday night… so I have a date with ABC as many friends in Texas make the trip to Norman OK. GO RED RAIDERS!

I am truly enjoying the articles about technology and the window to learning I am experiencing… gosh it is an exciting time for students and the creative learning opportunities available to this generation~

Sunday, November 16, 2008

For many years I have found great comfort in volunteering in a classroom.
I enjoy the energy of the students and understand the importance of extending a compassionate hand to others. I have had the opportunity to witness first hand the dedication of teachers who help guide the learning process for many of the children.
These simple observations have created a desire in me to listen and stay true to my inner voice—I desire to be an amazing teacher~

I believe that every child is a gift from God, and that the gifts a child brings to a classroom can be opened exposing often unknown talents. I desire to help students succeed from day one in the classroom with active presentations, student centered discussions and with creative activities. As the school year unfolds, I want to nurture learning, and activate material content for all individual learning styles.A classroom should provide a safe journey for each student to gain knowledge, set and reach goals and allow each student a chance to show their individuality. I strive to provide an environment for all students that feels safe, is caring, well-structured, and fair- an environment with clear expectations and free of unfairness or bullying

I want to continually provide activities that build social skills and learning opportunities so that students can link classroom learning to real life experiences.Although students come in different sizes and shapes, each is skilled with sensory abilities and capable of learning naturally through experiences. As a teacher, I need to remember that students enter the classroom with preconceived ideas, and sometimes with emotional baggage.
I want to provide a warm and inviting classroom environment offering an opportunity for each student to learn- this begins when they walk through the door. In the bible it says:

Therefore encourage each other with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:18

I desire to be that extraordinary teacher with my words that celebrates learning and provides experiences that meet the needs of all students in a safe Christian environment.
I want to be able to say that I too learned from each group of students from what they shared and that the time spent with them was extraordinary because of what they taught me.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I am slowly completing the list of assignments for week three~ it is slow going but it appears in class that I am not the only one struggling... posting of DQ's by classmates are slowly appearing

I had my first real introduction to YouTube and Teacher Tube... that was a real journey and what an education~ I spent several hours just watching videos on a wide variety of topics

Saturday, November 8, 2008

College Weekend

I was able to complete my Website!

I am elated that it is done and excited about using it as a tool in my classroom for parents and for family members who cannot make it in to the classroom.

Now, the only thing holding me back is my imagination~

Friday, November 7, 2008

College~ Week 2

Thankfully the week is coming to a close and trying to balance classes, job and being a mom& wife is going to get easier~ yesterday I thought I might drop from exhaustion but today is Friday, I am feeling more rested, less anxious and praying to turn my worries over the God.

I did not realize I was supposed to reflect on week one so I am going to combine the last seven days into one posting…

…I am thoroughly enjoying learning about technology. I am still amazed about the Marc Prensky math class- very cool! I know many of you might think this is crazy but I never even think to look at Wikipedia to expand my understanding and thinking. I was amazed at what I could discover, and how truly remarkable it is not having grown up with technology & the wonder of it.

Being from the generation of manual typewriters I wonder how did I get by- so much to learn and so overwhelming at the same time. I took a research class about 2-years ago online at Oregon State and none of the research information I was introduced to include the well-rounded credibility information for the internet that we have been exposed to during week two in EDU530W.

I am going to try creating my classroom website tonight~ I am keeping my fingers crossed.